Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Advanced Tactics For Dating Younger Women

First, you’ll need to understand what this guide can give you.
This is a tested (by real people, not by website staff) step-by-step method to find and attract younger women for men in their 40s and above.
We can help you find hot younger girls to hook up with. You don’t have to settle for older women if you’re an older guy. There are a hell of a lot of girls who love older men, especially if you know how to present yourself as a man with a lot of money and experience.
Note that we didn’t say you have to have a lot of money and experience. You just have to know how to LOOK like you do, and this guide can help you achieve that.

What is this guide designed to do?

We designed this guide specifically for men who want to hook up and get laid with younger women. It’s rough when you’re looking for short-term fun with younger girls and every guide just tells you how to find a wife or long-term relationship. Just to be clear, this guide is not for helping you find a wife, or a long-term relationship. It’s designed specially for men over 40 who want to have a steady stream or parade of hot young girls in their lives, whenever and however they want.

How can this guide help me?

A lot of older guys are really into younger women, but don’t know how to go about attracting them. They think that just because they’re older, or maybe have a good amount of cash, that younger women will just flock to them.

This can be a dangerous mistake

If you don’t know how to properly find and make yourself attractive to hot younger women, you’re wasting your time. There are a lot of great websites for guys looking to meet attractive younger women, but you have to know which ones are helpful, and which ones are just going to take your money. This site can help you out.
Not only can we help you realize which sites to use, we can help you create the “George Clooney Effect.” Basically, the sugar babies, or hot young girls looking to score with sexy older men, are looking for a particular kind of guy. George Clooney is the best example, because he’s a pretty handsome dude, but he’s got some laugh lines, some gray in his hair, and women still line up around the block for him, even the hot young ones.

This guide can teach you how to appeal to that group of girls.

It’s not that hard to come off looking like the George Clooney type on websites. We can show you how to appeal to girls looking for exactly that kind of man, and keep their interest for long enough to seal the deal.
In this guide to dating younger women, we’ll show you first which sites to subscribe to in order to get the most for your money. This important step can really set you off on the wrong foot if you do it wrong, so getting it right the first time can lead to much better success with your sugar daddy tactics.
Next, we’ll show you how to set up your profile. There are some very easy tips and tricks for doing this that help you look very attractive to the kinds of girls you want to meet, without having to put a lot of effort in.

Master the art of the email.

After finding a website and setting up your profile, it can be nerve-wracking to contact a girl for the first time. Fortunately, our guide includes all the advice you need to send the first contact.

Learn where to meet.

When you’re looking into how to be a sugar daddy, knowing where to take your new hot sugar baby can be intimidating. You don’t want to scare her off, but you don’t want to come across as boring or typical, either. Our guide helps tell you exactly where to take your girls for maximum success.
We’ve compiled our guides into 11 handy pages for you to read, all ready to help you start introducing yourself to hot young women just looking to get busy with an older guy.
#1  What You’re Looking To Come Off As On Sugar Daddy Dating Sites
Young women respond to a SPECIFIC type of personality when it comes to older men. Learn what this person is and how to emulate it.
#2  Avoid Younger Women Older Men Dating Scams Online
There are a ton of dating scams that are designed to separate you from your money online. Find out what to watch out for here.
#3 Creating The Perfect Profile To Attract Younger Women
What to aim for to maximize your chances of getting replies back to your emails by writing the right things in your dating profile.
#4 Your Profile Picture: Which Pictures Work For Dating Younger Women
Not all profile pictures are created equal. A good profile picture will mean the difference between getting responses and getting none at all.
#5 How To Describe Yourself To Attract Younger Women
Discusses in more detail what persona you should aim for at creating when using online dating sites to date younger women.
#6 Understanding The Sugar Daddy Dating Site Mathematical Advantage
This is the main reason you have “an edge” on specific dating sites. The math works out in your favor, but ONLY if you use the right type of dating site.
#7  3 Types Of Young Women To Avoid On Older Men Younger Women Dating Sites
Spot and avoid women that waste your time, or try to scam you quickly. Learn to spot fakes, flakes and scammers in an instant!
#8 The Rules For Interacting With Young Women
There are some thing you should do, and others you should not do when dating younger women. Here’s the right way to interact with the women in your life.
#9 First Meet Up: Where Is The Best Place To Take Your Young Chick On a Date
Outlines where to go and what to do on your first date with younger women.
#10  Closing The Deal: From First Date To Sex QUICK
Tactics on moving from the date to sex quickly.
#11 Sugar Baby Gift Etiquette: Get Her Gifts That Look Expensive & Exotic On A Shoestring Budget
Tactics to appear ultra-generous on a (very) small budget. Discusses when it’s proper to give gifts, and how you can do it on the cheap!

Article Source : https://youngerwomenwitholdermendatingblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/advanced-tactics-for-older-men-younger-women-dating/

sugar baby Gift Etiquette: Get Her Gifts That Look Expensive & Exotic On A Shoestring Budget

Now we’re into the part that makes a lot of men leery of trying to meet younger women. The parts about meeting and impressing a girl are all well and good, but what do you do when it comes to actually giving the kinds of gifts that sugar babies will expect? After all, you did meet her on older men younger women dating websites!

We’ve got you covered.

It is totally possible to give a nice gift that looks excellent, exotic, and hard to find to your sugar baby. The trick is remembering that the girls you’re meeting aren’t just there for the money—they’re coming for the experience, the lifestyle, the feeling of dating an older, successful, experienced, refined man exactly like you are.

You’re giving the experience—not the money.

With that in mind, it makes it a lot easier to get your sugar baby something that speaks of everything you want to convey about your life. Here’s how you go about getting her a gift.

Go to etsy

If you don’t know etsy, it’s a site where people can sell their handmade crap. A lot of them do custom work.
Jewelry is always the best idea. This is true for buying things for sugar babies, and it doesn’t really matter what kind you get. You can get stuff for really cheap, usually under $10, that looks exotic and interesting.

It doesn’t have to look fancy.

Remember, it’s all about the attitude, and the lifestyle you’re selling. A collection of beads and shells and cheap stones is fine, as long as it doesn’t look mass-produced. Now, after you find the jewelry for probably about the same price as a good cup of coffee, here’s the important part.

Sell her a story.

Tell her that the jewelry was bought on a boating trip to a remote South Asian island. Bali is a nice suggestion. Anywhere in Indonesia or the Philippines will work.
She won’t see it as a piece of cheap jewelry. Girls have great imaginations. She’ll be thinking of how great it would be to go boating with this smart, rich, successful man, not about whether the piece of jewelry is any good. If it falls apart, you can just shrug. It’s not your fault it wasn’t well-made.
It’s best if you have a story ready before you give it to her. Don’t go overboard and say some kid gave it to you as a reward from saving him from drowning or anything. Stick to something believable, like that you were out boating all day and stopped at a little island and saw a local market.
The authenticity is key.
If you can sell this jewelry as a piece of your life, instead of just a piece of plastic and shells, you’ve got her right where you want her. She’ll be too busy thinking about the cool places you two can go, the life she could live, and the amazing things she’ll get to see and do to focus on exactly what kind of jewelry you gave her.
Some good choices include bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. To be adventurous, go for an anklet or toe rings. These seem a little more exotic and interesting to a girl that comes from a background without much culture or money.

First Meet-Up: Where Is The Best Place To Take Your Young Women On A First Date

couple-sharing-food-120302When setting up a meeting between an older man and a younger woman, it’s important to know where to take her. If you decide to meet somewhere uncool or sketchy, she’ll probably never show up—and if she does show, she’s not the kind of girl you want to meet anyway.

Where is the best place to take a young woman?

The best place to take a sugar baby is a hotel bar. Keep it local—don’t make her feel afraid by asking her to meet somewhere out of her comfort zone. If you can, make sure it’s a 4 or 5 star hotel. This is a nice way to bring a lot of ambiance to the meeting with very little effort.
This is also a good way of having a drink at a bar, which girls are used to, but taking it out of her expectations. Most girls in their 20s don’t get taken to fancy hotel bars very often. Immediately, this puts the playing field in your favor, because she’ll be nervous and excited to be there.
Remember who you’re competing against: frat guys who would rather chug beer and don’t know how to order a nice martini.

Have a drink before she gets there.

This will help to calm your nerves. It also makes it look like you’re a man who can hold his liquor, not a drunk like the guys she’s usually used to going out with on a Friday night.

Remember your competition.

The best these girls can usually do, their next option after you, is a BUM guy. These guys can maybe afford to buy her a Bud Light during happy hour, and you’re sitting in a fancy hotel bar stirring a fancy drink. Whatever you order, do it confidently, though you shouldn’t over-drink.
You can do this. Don’t be afraid, your competition is off playing beer pong and doing chest-bumps with some other frat dude over football. The girls you’re meeting are the ones who are sick of these idiots. They want to find a real man who’s as different from those guys as possible. Already you’re in the lead, because you’re a totally different kind of guy. She wants that. Don’t feel insecure about your age.

Your age is why she wants you.

Older guys who try to act young are just pathetic, and no girl wants to date them. An older guy who acts refined and experienced, on the other hand, is something that drives girls nuts. Be the experienced guy who knows a thing or two about the world, not the sad old fart.

She is WAY more nervous than you are.

The girl you are meeting is younger, less mature, and in way over her head and out of her league…and she knows it. This is your key advantage. She is coming to the table knowing that all she has is her looks, so she’ll probably be very nervous.

Don’t fuck it up.

Be confident. LEAD her. The flow of the conversation is up to you—it’s all in your court to seal the deal.

Article Source : https://youngerwomenwitholdermendatingblog.wordpress.com/2015/08/31/first-meet-up-where-is-the-best-place-to-take-your-young-women-on-a-first-date/

The Rules For Interacting With Young Women

slade-smiley-square-w352_副本So you have your profile all set up, you have an “about me” page, you have a photo of you looking dashing in a suit or on a tropical vacation. Next comes the most important part: actually interacting with the young women.

This is the most critical phase of closing the deal.

Even if a girl loves everything she sees on your profile (and she will), she’ll want to know if you seem to be like your profile on first contact. Follow our rules for talking to the sugar babies, and these rules of dating a younger girl will help you make sure you can hook up with these hot younger women.

Here is your advantage.

Unlike on match.com, eharmony, and a bunch of other “find love” websites, the girls on sites where older men can meet young and beautiful women know that their most important contribution is their looks. They know the men they’re looking to meet want someone young and beautiful, and they know they won’t be able to make up for a butterface with a so-called “great personality.” They know the men on these sites are only there to meet the young and beautiful women, and they’re okay with that.
Unlike on most dating sites, the women on these sites expect a certain level of being sexualized and objectified. You don’t want to be the guy that only demands naked pictures, but you don’t want to go too far into being a “nice guy” either. Nothing tells a woman a guy will be an easy meal ticket like bending over backwards to please someone you barely know.

Girls on these sites are less prissy.

Regular dating sites are full of girls who just want to be treated like a princess and spoiled, but they also have a huge laundry list of what they want men to be like, look like, and sound like before they’re willing to meet. This isn’t the case with younger women looking to meet older, established, more refined men most of the time.

They are worried about just being used.

Make sure you can make her feel like a princess. That’s what most of the girls on these websites want, underneath the ones who just want a quick buck or gifts of cash. They want to feel cherished and protected and spoiled, like a fairytale dream come true. It’s not that hard to make them feel that way with very little effort.

Remember that you’re the prize. Be charming and sensual.

When you interact with these girls, comment on their pics—“I love the dress,” or “Your hair really frames your face like that” are nice lines that say you’re paying attention, not just looking for a set of tits and ass to take to a local diner.

Make sure to sound like you’re being hounded by girls on the site.

Women are ferocious in competition. Give her a reason to feel like she has to act now, or she’ll lose you to another girl if she waits.

Move to texting quickly.

You want to show that you can keep up with a younger, more modern crowd. Texting frequently shows that you’re an older, refined man, but not an “old man.” Here are some good lines to use on the sugar babies over texting.
  • “What are you wearing right now? I like visuals. Describe it.”
  • “Sorry, I was on a call with some bankers in Dubai. What’s going on?”
  • “You seem to be unusual for the kind of girls on here. Am I wrong?”
  • “I bet you smell sexy…I loooooove a woma’s smell….it’s the gateway to sensuality.”
  • “I can’t meet till next Tuesday, I’m in Chile/Brazil meeting some folks.”
These lines convey an easy sensuality and confidence, and establish that you’re a busy professional who may be willing to fit her into your life, if she’s good enough.

Article Source : https://youngerwomenwitholdermendatingblog.wordpress.com/2015/08/24/the-rules-for-interacting-with-young-women/

3 Types of Women To Avoid On Older Men Younger Women Dating Sites

youngerwomenwitholdermen.comJust because there are a lot of great women to meet on older men younger women dating sites. doesn’t mean there aren’t some to avoid. You can totallymeet hot women in their 20s that want to hook up with older guys. However, you have to learn how to filter out the losers first.
There are three types of women on older men younger women dating websites that aren’t worth spending your time on.
Once you learn to filter those out and see only the genuine article of girls who want to have a relationship with an older, experienced, established man, your search for the perfect sugar baby to hook up with will go much more smoothly. You just need to learn to spot the ones that aren’t worth spending your time chasing.
First, there are the escorts.
These are pretty easy to spot, once you learn how. Any girl that looks way too perfect, has an airbrushed photo, and is really cagey about what she wants in a man is probably an escort. An escort will try to make every guy feel like he could be her type, when a real younger woman who’s looking to have an older man in her life will be more specific.
Obviously, any mention of up-front payment will identify these women for what they really are right away. Don’t waste time with hookers and escorts, when we can show you how to hook up with gorgeous women in their 20s for cheap or free!
The second type of woman on the dating websites to avoid is the true gold digger.
They have done this before. Unlike the escorts that want to make every man feel like he could be her type, the gold digger will have a very detailed list of what she wants in a man.
You don’t want these women. They want to get your money, hands down. Some of them have made a career out of going from established man to established man, reeling them in for long enough to get their money. You want to be the one with the demands and the power in the relationship. There’s no reason to hand that power over to a girl that only wants to get her hands on your wallet—and most of them wind up being more expensive than the escorts anyway.
Any time a girl on one of these sites starts making demands of you or listing her “requirements” up front, ignore her. There are a hell of a lot more girls looking for established, refined men in their lives than there are gold diggers. You’ll be able to find someone to fulfill your every fantasy way easier than these gold diggers will find a man to be their personalized bank account. Unless you want to see a million shopping trips on your credit card and never get laid, give this kind of girl a huge pass.
The third type of girl to avoid on younger women older men dating sites is the kind that always wanders into a bar by mistake. Yes, even on these sites, you get the fatties and fuglies.
For some reason, these girls that couldn’t even land a blind drunk guy at a bar on Friday nights seem to think they can get a guy to pay to be her older guys . There’s no reason to waste time on these girls.
If the girl you’re looking at isn’t drop-dead gorgeous, she’s not worth your time. There are plenty of other girls around that ARE drop-dead gorgeous, and with our guides to making your profile on older men younger women dating sites, you’ll have them falling all over themselves to eat out of the palm of your hand in no time.

Article Source : https://youngerwomenwitholdermendatingblog.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/3-types-of-women-to-avoid-on-older-men-younger-women-dating-sites/

Understanding The Sugar Daddy Dating Site Mathematical Advantage

irrational_man2When you’re playing the dating game, it can often feel like there are a hundred horny guys for every hot girl. This is NOT the case when it comes to women looking for older men.

The odds are in your favor.

There are more women looking for older men than there are older men looking for younger women, which means you have the advantage of the playing field. You get to pick and choose which girls you want to go after, instead of the other way around.

Women are biologically programmed to be attracted to power.

If you learn how to exude confidence, masculinity, and an air of competent established aloofness, these women will flock to you. In older days, men of power were the leaders in their villages, and being with them was a huge element of protection for any woman. Times might have changed, but it’s still very similar. There’s a reason so many famous, powerful older men wind up with hot women decades younger than them.
The myth about sugar daddy dating sites is that women are attracted to men with money. While some women do want a quick payout, they’re not what you’re looking for—they’re basically just the escorts and hookers we warned you about earlier.
Ever wonder how Larry King, Bill Clinton, and George Clooney can get women decades younger than them? Even when some of these older guys aren’t traditionally attractive at all?
Once you learn what women on these sites are actually looking for, we’ll help you give it to them. If you set up your profile correctly (learn how to set up your older men younger women dating website profile and how to create your older men younger women dating profile picture), you won’t be the one doing the chasing.

The girls will be coming after you.

It sounds like a myth, but it’s true. We’ve personally tested these sites ourselves, and we know how to get girls to be attracted to the confidence and personality behind the profile. There’s one very big secret about the younger women on these websites that you have to understand if you want to score big with these hot girls.

It’s not all about the money.

Even though money is a big part of it, the kind of girl that gets on these websites, looking for older men, is not just looking for a man to buy her things. These are NOT professional hookers. It’s easy to filter the hookers out, once you know how to look for them. What you have to learn how to do is see beneath the exterior, that these are girls who just want cash and gifts, because in reality….

They want to be treated like a true princess.

Most of these girls don’t care that much about the money. They want to feel like they’re having an experience that only a special, exciting girl can have. They mostly grew up poor, and all their lives, they’ve been watching TV shows like “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” They’ve never thought that they could actually have that life for themselves, and it’s your job to make them feel like they’re having it.

You are the fantasy.

Even if it seems like the girl is the one fulfilling your fantasy of hooking up with a young, gorgeous woman, for the girl, it’s the other way around. You’re the one fulfilling her fantasy of being with a man with class, a man that commands respect. They know they won’t meet a real billionaire. They just want to feel like a princess.
YoungerWomenWithOlderMen.com – The Best Dating Site for younger women looking for older men ,younger women seeking older men ,Dating younger woman, older man , younger girls or older guys. Visit http://www.youngerwomenwitholdermen.com Now

Article Source : https://youngerwomenwitholdermendatingblog.wordpress.com/2015/08/10/understanding-the-sugar-daddy-dating-site-mathematical-advantage/

From First Date To Sex QUICK

8710778_f260_副本When done right this should be pretty easy.
The hardest part of the process when learning how to be a sugar daddy is setting up your profile properly to attract these young and hot women in their 20s who want to hook up with older, more experienced, established men – using online dating sites for just that purpose.
However, a lot of guys seem to think that getting a girl from a first date to first sex. If you’ve followed this guide, closing the deal should be pretty easy.
Of the three of us guys, we’ve had very few issues moving from the hotel bar to our places when we want to move from talking to sex. Girls on sugar daddy websites know what they’re signing up for, and they know what the guys they meet are looking for. You’re bringing the experience and charm to the table: they’re bringing the sex.
Once you realize that they’re coming to the bar with sex already in mind, approach the evening that way. Be confident. Never forget for a second that this is going to lead to her coming back to your place.

Don’t tell her you’re assuming sex.

Remember, the thing these girls are most afraid of is that the man is just using them for sex. What you want to do is act confident, self-assured. There’s no reason this can’t lead to sex on the first meeting if you like the girl and she’s as hot as her picture.

She’s more nervous about impressing you than you are about impressing her.

She has to impress you with her beauty and her willingness. If you don’t like what she’s offering, you have a hundred more choices on the same website where you found her—and she knows that already.
Don’t sell yourself short, and don’t assume she won’t be into going back to your place on the first date. Chances are, she will.

Have a story ready.

Is your apartment up to snuff with the kind of man who goes yachting on weekends? Yeah, ours either. Remember, you don’t actually have to be a millionaire to score with the girls on sugar daddy websites when you’re looking up how to be a sugar daddy.
The story we use is that we have two places in the city. She’s offering her beauty and youth, and you’re offering your lifestyle. You want this girl to be in love with your lifestyle, and think about how cool it would be to have two places in the city to live in.
Then, you should tell her that your main place in this city, the one you usually spend time in, has been occupied by guests. This again gives the impression that you’re a busy, important person who has dozens of contacts all making demands on your time. It also gives her the option to make it feel like she’s choosing to spend time with you and you alone.
Tell her that it’s fine, because your second place in the city has whatever cool collection or item you’re using as bait. If you’ve actually been boating or traveling or whatever, items and pictures from travel work great for this. Pets wok well, too. “Come and meet my dog” or fish or whatever is great—make her feel like she’s special by bringing her to the place you spend your time, the one you consider your home.
Another nice item to show off is a vintage collection of some kind, or a very special bottle of wine. She probably won’t know much about wine, so you can get away with making up some bullshit about a bottle if you know how to make it sound fancy.

Advanced Tactics For Dating Younger Women

First, you’ll need to understand what this guide can give you.
This is a tested (by real people, not by website staff) step-by-step method to find and attract younger women for men in their 40s and above.
We can help you find hot younger girls to hook up with. You don’t have to settle for older women if you’re an older guy. There are a hell of a lot of girls who love older men, especially if you know how to present yourself as a man with a lot of money and experience.
Note that we didn’t say you have to have a lot of money and experience. You just have to know how to LOOK like you do, and this guide can help you achieve that.

What is this guide designed to do?

We designed this guide specifically for men who want to hook up and get laid with younger women. It’s rough when you’re looking for short-term fun with younger girls and every guide just tells you how to find a wife or long-term relationship. Just to be clear, this guide is not for helping you find a wife, or a long-term relationship. It’s designed specially for men over 40 who want to have a steady stream or parade of hot young girls in their lives, whenever and however they want.

How can this guide help me?

A lot of older guys are really into younger women, but don’t know how to go about attracting them. They think that just because they’re older, or maybe have a good amount of cash, that younger women will just flock to them.

This can be a dangerous mistake

If you don’t know how to properly find and make yourself attractive to hot younger women, you’re wasting your time. There are a lot of great websites for guys looking to meet attractive younger women, but you have to know which ones are helpful, and which ones are just going to take your money. This site can help you out.
Not only can we help you realize which sites to use, we can help you create the “George Clooney Effect.” Basically, the sugar babies, or hot young girls looking to score with sexy older men, are looking for a particular kind of guy. George Clooney is the best example, because he’s a pretty handsome dude, but he’s got some laugh lines, some gray in his hair, and women still line up around the block for him, even the hot young ones.

This guide can teach you how to appeal to that group of girls.

It’s not that hard to come off looking like the George Clooney type on websites. We can show you how to appeal to girls looking for exactly that kind of man, and keep their interest for long enough to seal the deal.
In this guide to dating younger women, we’ll show you first which sites to subscribe to in order to get the most for your money. This important step can really set you off on the wrong foot if you do it wrong, so getting it right the first time can lead to much better success with your sugar daddy tactics.
Next, we’ll show you how to set up your profile. There are some very easy tips and tricks for doing this that help you look very attractive to the kinds of girls you want to meet, without having to put a lot of effort in.

Master the art of the email.

After finding a website and setting up your profile, it can be nerve-wracking to contact a girl for the first time. Fortunately, our guide includes all the advice you need to send the first contact.

Learn where to meet.

When you’re looking into how to be a sugar daddy, knowing where to take your new hot sugar baby can be intimidating. You don’t want to scare her off, but you don’t want to come across as boring or typical, either. Our guide helps tell you exactly where to take your girls for maximum success.
We’ve compiled our guides into 11 handy pages for you to read, all ready to help you start introducing yourself to hot young women just looking to get busy with an older guy.
#1  What You’re Looking To Come Off As On Sugar Daddy Dating Sites
Young women respond to a SPECIFIC type of personality when it comes to older men. Learn what this person is and how to emulate it.
#2  Avoid Younger Women Older Men Dating Scams Online
There are a ton of dating scams that are designed to separate you from your money online. Find out what to watch out for here.
#3 Creating The Perfect Profile To Attract Younger Women
What to aim for to maximize your chances of getting replies back to your emails by writing the right things in your dating profile.
#4 Your Profile Picture: Which Pictures Work For Dating Younger Women
Not all profile pictures are created equal. A good profile picture will mean the difference between getting responses and getting none at all.
#5 How To Describe Yourself To Attract Younger Women
Discusses in more detail what persona you should aim for at creating when using online dating sites to date younger women.
#6 Understanding The Sugar Daddy Dating Site Mathematical Advantage
This is the main reason you have “an edge” on specific dating sites. The math works out in your favor, but ONLY if you use the right type of dating site.
#7  3 Types Of Young Women To Avoid On Older Men Younger Women Dating Sites
Spot and avoid women that waste your time, or try to scam you quickly. Learn to spot fakes, flakes and scammers in an instant!
#8 The Rules For Interacting With Young Women
There are some thing you should do, and others you should not do when dating younger women. Here’s the right way to interact with the women in your life.
#9 First Meet Up: Where Is The Best Place To Take Your Young Chick On a Date
Outlines where to go and what to do on your first date with younger women.
#10  Closing The Deal: From First Date To Sex QUICK
Tactics on moving from the date to sex quickly.
#11 Sugar Baby Gift Etiquette: Get Her Gifts That Look Expensive & Exotic On A Shoestring Budget
Tactics to appear ultra-generous on a (very) small budget. Discusses when it’s proper to give gifts, and how you can do it on the cheap!

Article Source : https://youngerwomenwitholdermendatingblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/advanced-tactics-for-older-men-younger-women-dating/

3 Ways To Talk With A Younger Woman

YoungerWomenWithOlderMen.comTalking and interacting with younger women can be a whole new ball game altogether. There are specific things that women in this age range unconsciously need to experience in order to feel attraction with you. Knowing what these are gives you a competitive advantage over all the other men who don’t know these simple yet effective distinctions.
1) Lead: Know what to say and do next 
Women hate awkward moments, such as not knowing what to say, or thinking they misinterpreted the situation or someone’s feelings. Younger women are more likely to hate it even more. If your conversational skills are good, you have topics to discuss with her and ways to transition smoothly from one topic to another. Also, discussing topics such as relationships, family, men, celebrities, body language, fashion, pop music, and favorite hobbies will likely interest her. Women also like to think about how one topic might be related to another, especially when it might give insights on social situations or someone’s personality. A while back, there was an article in a magazine about “what his cell phone reveals about his character.” Asking a woman what she thinks a person’s items in his grocery cart reveals about his relationships with women might be an intriguing questions for an introspective woman.
Also, if she looks awkward or uncertain, change the topic like nothing happened. Women do this all the time as a way of diffusing the discomfort. Have a list of topics you can just bring up if she looks uneasy. You could make an observation about the place you are in, bring up something about your favorite food, or ask her a question about her outfit. The most important element is that you can easily flow from one topic to another. If she feels like you are being uncomfortable, then more than likely she will start to feel uncomfortable.
2) Set limits and boundaries 
She will likely try to discover how much she can get away with. She might call you at two in the morning. She might show up at your work unannounced. She might call unexpectedly on Saturday night. Knowing what you want her to do regarding your time and privacy will be important. Communicating that to her in a firm manner, perhaps with a bit of humor, will be important. Backing it up by continued reminders to her will also be key. For example, if she shows up to your office unannounced with Chinese food, you might say to her, “This is spontaneous of you. I am glad you thought of me to do something so nice, but I thought I ordered a pizza. I don’t have time right now to have lunch with you because when I am at work. I need to work. If you want to meet for lunch in the future, please call me.” It is up to you if you want to tell her, “I usually don’t have time to have lunch at work, but just this once. In the future, we need to plan something.” In the moment, she may not like what you have to say, but in the long term she will respect it and feel attraction for you because of it.
3) Demonstrate good social skills 
Social skills are very important when talking with women, and there is really no way around it. With younger women in particular, you will need to focus on keeping a stable, calm, and relaxed emotional state especially during those times when she is acting moody or impulsive. Therefore, when she is expressing doubts, this is a time for you to feel certain and in command and control. When she experiences your certainty about the situation, she will shortly follow suit. You will also at times need to respond to her with firmness and kindness when she is being rude and obnoxious.
Why is that? Women who are younger are more likely to act emotionally, especially when they feel insecure, angry, scared, or helpless. On one hand, they want to prove to the world they are independent and capable. On the other hand, they can experience strong emotions of self-doubt. In the moment, this can lead to negative outbursts, false accusations, temper tantrums, threats, and closed body language from her. Later, she will likely reflect back on the moment with regret, self-blame, embarrassment, guilt, or shame. Will she apologize? Maybe with her look. Maybe with a call inviting you out. Maybe with a pleasant text message. However, don’t count on her telling you she is sorry. You will have to be the one more stable and understanding.
While it can appear to be extra effort to date women in this age range, when you can gain an understanding of why they are acting in a certain way, you can anticipate and diffuse any potential dramas. These 3 key elements of: knowing what to do and say next; setting boundaries; and developing your social skills will help diffuse situations quickly in the short and long term. When this happens you can enjoy the benefits of dating women in this age range who are usually energetic, fun, carefree, and enthusiastic about men, dating, and love.
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Article Source :  https://youngerwomenwitholdermendatingblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/21/3-ways-to-talk-with-a-younger-woman/